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- BEST Plus 2.0 Software
BEST Plus 2.0 Software

The BEST Plus 2.0 Software is available in USB format. It will allow trained BEST Plus test administrators to administer and score the computer-adaptive version of the test. It also contains the score management software which will allow users to enter raw scores from the semi-adaptive print-based version to obtain a full score report as well as to manage their student data. The Test Transfer Program as well as practice versions of the test and management software are included for new test administrators to use during and after the initial test administrator training workshop at no additional cost.
The BEST Plus 2.0 software installs directly onto testing computers and can be installed on multiple computers.
If you would like to know more about the test administrator training, please contact CAL at store@cal.org. At checkout, you will be asked to register and include shipping information. Additionally, as you add this item to your cart, you will be prompted to note the contact information for your organization for CAL to verify your purchase of BEST Plus products.
Click here to order BEST Plus 2.0 computer-adaptive test administrations.
Click here to order BEST Plus 2.0 print-based test booklets: Form D, Form E, and Form F or BEST Plus 2.0 picture cue books: Picture Cue Book (Form D), Picture Cue Book (Form E), and Picture Cue Book (Form F)